Progress, Progress….

Hello! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend.



Here are some updates from the NEW Library Media Center.


  • We can begin checking books out to students this week. Students will be allowed to check out 2 books for 2 weeks each.
  • If you are an ELA teacher, email me at to make sure I have your classes on the schedule to come in and see the new collection.
  • The desktop computers (waiting on tables to arrive any day) and ChromeBook cart should be ready for student use by NEXT week, beginning January 28.
  • The rest of the MakerSpace cabinetry and decor will be forthcoming. It’s a process but we are making progress!
  • While Ms. Becky and I really appreciate teachers sending students to help us, we will now have RTI 3 periods per day and our own helpers 2 periods per day. We will email or contact you if we need more help in the future.



Library Media Services has provided a huge collection of resources for middle school teachers to use in supporting students with the Backpack of Success Skills.




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